The Power of Inclusion - Part 1 : Enhancing the Workplace with Diversity


In today's dynamic business environment, inclusion is not just any other term thrown around but a core value for thriving organizations. But what is inclusion? It is the act or practice of including and accommodating people who are usually discriminated against and feel left out due to their race, gender, ability, sexuality, or identity. With the existing social conditions, many organizations increasingly consider themselves underrepresented in diversity. This deficiency has made many individuals feel unvalued, ignored, and erased. Inclusion goes beyond ensuring that people turn up in a group; it is more about using diversity to create healthy, fair, and equitable spaces where everyone feels included and respected.

The Importance of Inclusion

Fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce is a moral imperative and a strategic advantage. Companies that foster inclusive cultures are open to many views, resulting in a cauldron of innovation and problem-solving. Diverse teams working in inclusive environments drive organizations forward and help them face the challenges with a broader view. Inclusivity within a company's workplace reflects its market and, as such, is better able to identify with its diversified customer base. To be more precise, inclusion is not an ethical position but a pragmatic strategy that underlies organizational success.

This image is taken from a report published on Deloitte’s website  Unleashing the power of inclusion


This image represents that 47% of the respondents value an environment where they can be comfortable being themselves, 39% value an environment that gives purpose, and 36% value work flexibility. These factors explain the importance of an inclusive environment in making employees feel valued and engaged.

This image is taken from a report published on Deloitte’s website Unleashing the power of inclusion


80% of respondents to Deloitte said inclusion is an important criterion when selecting an employer; 39% would leave their current organization for a more inclusive one, and 23% have already left for more inclusive workplaces. These numbers describe how inclusion plays a role in talent retention and attraction.

Benefits of an Inclusive Work Environment

An inclusive workplace has many benefits attached to it and drives the more considerable success and health of an organization:

  • Increases Engagement :

Organizations with an inclusive work environment have high employee engagement levels. Gallup found out through its research that employees working in an inclusive environment are more engaged and show higher advocacy for their company, hence increasing retention levels. Yet, despite this, only 23% of employees feel engaged at work; that is, organizations have ample opportunities to increase employees' productivity through inclusion

  • Builds a Sense of Belonging :

Inclusion helps employees feel valued in the organization. This sense of belonging is crucial for employee satisfaction and retention.

  • An Improved Experience :

In an inclusive environment, the needs of all staff are accommodated, which ultimately improves the overall work experience, thus leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

  • Fostering Innovation :

Different perspectives brought on by different people boost creativity and innovation. Inclusive culture ushers in new ideas.

  • Builds Leadership Capability :

A higher capability in handling diverse teams and driving the organization toward success is found among inclusive leaders.

This image is taken from a report published on Deloitte’s website  Unleashing the power of inclusion


In this picture, it indicates that 71% of people surveyed lean towards an organization with inclusive behaviours, even if their programs are not consistent for inclusion hence what this shows is that small actions of being inclusive every day very much build in strong impact for employee retention and satisfaction. Further, 23% of the total population said they had left an organization already to find a more inclusive one, and, therefore, there is a demand for real inclusion.

Inclusion Challenges

Even though the advantages of inclusion are clear, there are a couple of challenges in creating an inclusive workplace:

  • Pre-existing Biases and Stereotypes

When a bias or stereotype exists, it can inhibit the development of inclusive teams. Overcoming this has to be a conscious effort and typically involves training.

  • Communication Barriers

A diverse workforce brings forth varied languages and cultural norms. Inclusive communication is vital to preventing misunderstandings.

  • Representation Balance

Striving for balanced representation should be done without reverse discrimination to avoid this counterproductive situation.

  • Integration Efforts

Bringing a wide variety of people into cohesive groups will only be successful with proactive strategies that truly value diversity and make genuine connections.

Unconscious bias training, fostering dialogue, and creating a learning culture are just a few of the techniques that will help to deal with these challenges on the way to creating an inclusive workforce.

How Travel Hands Ensures Inclusion

At Travel Hands, we understand how important it is as an organization to create an all-inclusive environment for not only our volunteers but also for the VIPs (Visually Impaired People). Here's how:

  • Diverse recruitment:

We strive to involve as many different people as possible in volunteering to ensure that all corners of different experiences and perspectives are covered. This diversity enriches our service and fosters an inclusive culture.

  • Comprehensive Training:

our volunteers are also trained in unconscious bias and sensitivity to help them deal with all VIPs respectfully and inclusively, no matter their background or circumstances.

  • Inclusive Policies:

Policies have been drawn at the place that promote flexibility and equal opportunities in the said areas. This means understanding different needs and that all people, including our volunteers and VIPs, are made to feel valued and respected.

  • Feedback and Improvement:

We keep open several channels of two-way input from volunteers and VIPs. A continuous feedback mechanism helps us pinpoint areas.

Through an inclusive atmosphere, Travel Hands adds value to the experience of the VIP. At the same time, it strengthens the community for volunteers. Such an inclusive culture is a perfect avenue for personal growth, deeper empathy, and understanding of the challenges encountered by VIPs, which brings fulfilment and purpose to our volunteers. Our volunteers experience inclusivity with meaningful interactions in different groups, hence they feel more connected, valued, and empowered. We are recognized for our active approach to inclusion. Travel Hands proves inclusive practices extend beyond policy to reality through our diverse volunteer base and the tangible impact on VIPs' lives. By so doing, this commitment empowers Travel Hands as a beacon of inclusion. It sets a standard that others may follow, showing its earnest desire to create an environment where every individual will be valued and respected.


In summary, inclusion is a powerful tool for organizational success. Understanding and fostering an inclusive environment will increase employee engagement and organizational innovation, which improves organizational profitability. Travel Hands is a perfect example of facilitating inclusion in a working and social environment. We thrive on inclusion by shining diversity in our workplace.