Celebrating Christmas During a Pandemic


My name is Hina and I am a digital marketing intern for VIP world services. The aim of my blog is to approach people in this unprecedented time where they would not be able to meet their loved ones during Christmas and celebrate it happily.

This year's festive season is going to feel a little strange. This year would have been tough for everyone especially for Visually Impaired People (VIP) who have been remained in their places in this difficult time. In bringing some levity and positivity towards the end of a tough year, VIP World organized a Christmas event encouraging VIPs to submit and share their favourite Christmas themed memories, poems, decorations, and carols. Many people participated and share their experiences by sending their stories and videos with us. We have received a great response by getting plenty of beautiful entries.

We are in Tier 4 and moving to another national lockdown, where there are no longer chances to celebrate Christmas and people lost their Christmas spirit due to lockdown.

The world is in terrible situation that everyone is losing their beloved ones. The life has been stopped and no one is feeling to celebrate anything.

The memories

I thought I’d share some beautiful memories of my colleagues towards the way they celebrate Christmas, which can relish everyone’s Christmas memories and boast their spirit in lockdown.


It's been a hard year, haven't been away since last December due to a summer trip being cancelled. I am usually with family at Christmas, we planned to go on holidays on the 22nd of December, however, because of the lockdown and travel restrictions the trip can’t happen. I felt disappointed because I was looking forward to it.


I am with my family for Christmas, so I am glad I got time to spend with them. It doesn’t really feel like Christmas because I have not been able to go to many Christmas markets, but I am very grateful to be spending it with my family.

It’s not too upsetting for me because I’m spending it with my family. But I would have liked to spend more time with my friends over Christmas too. Being in tier 4 for Christmas is difficult though because we can only spend Christmas with our own household.


I used to celebrate Christmas when I lived in Poland. Usually, I visited my parents during this time. I know that for a lot of people this time is really important because they can meet with family and friends. However, for me each day could be special if we want. I always had Christmas Tree and 12 dishes on Christmas Eve. I always helped my mum to clean the house, and I was responsible for organising the Christmas table.

The only thing I regret is that I cannot see my brother's children playing and opening their presents. I am sure that would have been super fun.


Our Christmas celebrations usually start on Christmas Eve. We would start preparing the Christmas dinner and drinks (homemade coleslaw, mac & cheese, Guinness Punch etc.) Extended family members would usually come to my house. Our tradition would be to exchange presents, have various types of crackers with a selection of cheeses and toppings.  As the night comes to and end me and siblings would open 1 present each at 12am. On Christmas Day we would all open presents together, have a big English breakfast and get dressed up to take pictures, play video and board games together. My Nan, aunties and cousins would come over to have Christmas dinner, while watching Christmas films together while eating dessert.

This year has been tough, but we will still make it as normal as we can, but it will feel different not being able to have extended family members wont are able to attend due to the Covid restrictions. However, I will be lucky to spend it with my immediate family and that all my family is healthy and safe.


I usually celebrate the festive part of Christmas. Although, we can’t go out and celebrate it the way we used to as there are certain restrictions around my area. However, my family will be having an indoor celebration like having a nice dinner, listening to music and watching films.


Many of us may find Christmas difficult this year, for lots of different reasons. Some of us may feel disappointed that we couldn’t spend this Christmas as we usually would.

As we can’t travel and meet our families and friends due to lockdown. There is no Christmas dinners, shopping and celebrations due to social distancing and we need to remain at homes which leads to disappointment

It might not impact everyone negatively, but we do emphasis with those who are by themselves and they can’t get the chance to see their loved ones.

Even though, we are not be able to see our families and friends in this hard time, but we can still find a way to celebrate and can still be enjoyed with social distancing restrictions by arranging virtual dinners, sending gifts and cards to your beloved ones and decorating your streets or buildings.

In these unprecedented times we can be the eyes for those who can’t see this beautiful world. We can be the reason to bring happiness and joy in the lives of the disabled, handicapped, ill and visually impaired people. This time maybe we are not celebrating the Christmas with our loved ones, but we can make most out it by helping someone who needs us more.

We can support and become a part of those people lives who can’t do things independently like us and support them in this difficult time and cheer them up like I got opportunity to join VIP world services and support visually impaired people.

Being a part of VIP world services, I got not only the great opportunity to work on organising a virtual Christmas event for visually impaired people but also to connect and communicate with them. We can be the reason to help someone and make them feel more comfortable and happier.

We can become the eyes of those who lost their sight and can’t see this colourful world. World needs more positivity so let’s join the hands to spread positivity, love, joy and happiness in this crucial time and celebrate the Christmas in a different way this time by supporting others during lockdown. Have a lovely Christmas everyone!